Arya Putra


This section of the Website includes a list of articles by Arya Putra.  As an introduction to Arya Putra, we are including two excerpts below from Arya Putra’s book, Beyond Religion:

“I am Arya Putra. What does this mean? It means that I am a good human being who is purifying his mind. That’s all. That’s all there is to it. That’s all there is to me. “

“We need to be real human beings and do real spiritual work. We need to stop our mental reactions which are caused by our own ego-infection. We need to be good human beings and keep purifying the mind with Divine Wisdom.”

Note: Most of these articles have been excerpted from an online Arya Samaj forum in which Arya Putra participated.

Be Your Own Guru?

Actively Guide the Mind

The Greatest Accomplishment

Samadhi and THAT Which is Beyond

Can one eat meat and still realize God?

Grasping the Truth

We Do Not Belong to Any Religion

Vedic Science Versus Modern Science

About Brahmacharya and Tantra. . .

Religion, Hinduism, and the Arya Samaj


Krishna, Shankara, Dayananda, and Vivekananda