The Path of Truth

by Arya Putra

The path of Truth leads to the Highest Truth. The path of Truth is revealed in the Vedas.  When the Vedic knowledge is understood and put into practice, the Highest Truth is attained. 


The path of Truth is known as DHARMA.  The meaning of Dharma is expounded in the Vedas (and Vedic literature), which reveal the nature of Reality.  There are not two Realities; there are not two Truths.  There is One Reality; there is One Truth. The one Reality is Truth, and the nature of Reality (Truth) is revealed in the Vedas.


The nature of Reality is revealed to be three-fold, yet One and indivisible.  That Reality is SatChitAnand.  SAT is Existence, CHIT is Consciousness, and ANANDA is Bliss. The reality of innumerable particles of Existence devoid of consciousness and bliss is known as PRAKRITI. This is one aspect of Reality.  Another aspect of Reality is the reality of the existence of innumerable conscious beings known as Souls (ATMAN).  Pervading all of this, and beyond all of this, is the Highest aspect of Reality which is All-existing, All-conscious, and All-Blissful and is known as SatChitAnand, the indivisible, One Supreme Reality.


The One Supreme Reality is Eternal: it is beginningless and endless.  Similarly, the innumerable souls and Prakriti are uncreated (beginningless) and indestructible (endless), and like the qualities of that Highest aspect of Reality their characteristics too are eternal. 


These three: the Supreme Self, the innumerable Souls, and Prakriti are eternal aspects of Truth.  One who is truthful, one who is real, completely embraces the Truth and manifests all aspects of Reality.  Such a truthful one lives a natural life, knows the limits of mind and matter, and worships (reaches for) the Supreme Self. 


One who is not truthful ignores natural boundaries (the limits of Prakriti and Purush), breaks the laws of nature, and never reaches beyond himself, but instead worships the temporal as permanent, the limited as the limitless, and the half-truth as the whole truth.


The path of half-truth leads nowhere.  In fact, half-truth cannot be called truth at all. Truth is indivisible and whole, and only those who wholly embrace it know it. Completely embracing Truth means practicing it in thought, word, and deed.  This does not mean one has to be perfect to know the truth; it only means one needs to be truthful. 


Those who are truthful do not hide behind images or the mask of ego (false-identity). This does not mean they are completely free of their images (including their self-image) and ego; it only means that they do not lie to themselves and others by pretending to know what they do not know, or pretending to see what they do not perceive, and pretending to be free when they are not yet free.


Those who pretend to be free remain in bondage like a caged bird that sings. When a person is accustomed to their mental cage (of ego and images) they choose to remain in their ego and hold onto their images even when their images are broken and their ego is confronted. 


The path of ego (personality worship) and images (mental superimpositions) is not the One Universal Path of Truth; it is the fragmented path of manmade religion.  The many paths of different religions all lead in circles and never bring the Self face to face (so to speak) with the Supreme Self, because these different religions are ALL halfway measures to reach the immeasurable imageless TRUTH. 


ALL of the various religions resolve themselves back to a particular person, personality, or image.  One who really wants to know the Truth has to leave all these religious trappings and turn his or her mind inward to the Light of the Soul. Guided by Divine Wisdom, and protected by one’s own solid practices, one will tread the only true path that there is—which  is the Path Within. 


The ‘Path Within’ is not some New Age buzz word employed to justify one’s self-involvement or self-centeredness. The ‘Path Within’ simply means that one stops looking outside of himself for the answers that can only be found within. The Truth-seeker stops trying to validate his or her ego with false knowledge and flimsy images of spirituality.  The Truth-seeker drops ALL images and becomes like a child sitting in the lap of his Divine Mother or Father.  The Truth Seeker embraces universality and sheds all his images of unreality, his personal bias, and any cravings for personal recognition or appreciation.


This is the one Path of Truth which is known by various names:  the Path Within (the search for Truth within), the Path of Dharma (the practice of Truth), the Path of Divine Wisdom (the knowledge of the Vedas), the Path of YOGA (the realization and actualization of the essence of the Vedas).  We can call it the Vedic Path, or we can call it the Universal Path; or we can simply call it the Path of the Wise.


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