
Bramhacharya: self-restraint (mental and physical), as pertains to sexuality

Brahmacharya is the constant practice of good character in both thought and deed. One who practices Brahmacharya is one who has a godly character. Such a noble human being does not entertain dog-like thoughts or engage in dog-like activities like lusting around for sexual gratification outside the bounds of marriage. As everyone knows, dogs do not marry one another; instead, they are constantly shifting mates as they sniff around to fulfill their instinctual desires. Human beings on the other hand, carefully choose their lifelong partner and temper their sexual drive with self-discipline, self-awareness, and self-sacrifice. In other words, they put their soulmate first, and do not carelessly follow their mind and ego.

One who practices Brahmacharya takes instruction from his (or her) higher nature and is not ruled by the lower nature. Through the practices of self-study and self-discipline they discern what is good for their own well-being as well as the genuine well-being of others, and they conduct themselves accordingly. In other words, they practice self-containment and not self-contamination. They are careful not to contaminate their minds with pornographic materials (in the various fields of publishing, video/cinema, and fashion), and choose to remain pure.

Brahmacharya is the constant conscious choice to remain pure. It is the deliberate practice of purity in thought and action.

Everyone has samskaras (impressions) from many, many incarnations, and along with these samskaras are associated many vasanas (tendencies) which are manifested according to favorable conditions. When negative tendencies arise we must arise to the occasion and assert our higher nature, otherwise, we will become enmeshed in our lower nature. A negative tendency is any tendency that leads to self-destruction. In other words, any tendency that destroys our peace of mind, our mental equilibrium, and our physical health must be eradicated from our lives.

Negative tendencies are overcome by inverse propagation, or counter-effort. To utterly destroy the bad samskaras and their associated vasanas (tendencies) one must engage the mind in intense concentration and Samadhi.

Ultimately, the purpose of Brahmacharya is to lead the living soul to Supreme Consciousness (Maha Chetana). We can never experience Supreme Consciousness if we are caught up in ‘zipper- consciousness.’ When people’s minds are fixed on genitalia, they lose their gentle nature and become more and more vicious and dog-like and less and less god-like.

We have seen many a ‘little red riding hood’ eaten up by wolves dressed in saffron robes, black robes, and white robes. The true sign of purity is not in the color of one’s clothes or the perfection of one’s pretenses, but in the practice of good character and the perfection of one’s nature.

Brahmacharya is the practice of godly character—the practice of good character—in all ones thoughts and actions. Those who practice Brahmacharya will perfect their nature over time and attain the highest state of Consciousness.
