Scientists who are attempting to investigate the nature of consciousness by studying the nature of elementary particles can never begin to grasp the depth of consciousness. Consciousness is distinct from the elementary particles. To understand consciousness, one should investigate this distinction.
What we observe of consciousness in matter is called contradistinction. In other words, by discerning the nature of Prakriti we discover that this knowledge (of Prakriti) contrasts with the knowledge of Purush. This contrast sheds light on the nature of Consciousness. Then, it is necessary to turn the mind to the study of Consciousness itself.
Ordinary scientists never reach this far because they have a vested interest. Their interest is to seek emotional reward for their discoveries, and this emotional reward is self-defeating. In other words, they remain victims of their own ego and continue to hide from the light of truth.
The truth is not very complicated. It is very simple. It is also profound (deep). One can never find the truth if one is only looking on the surface. One will have to dive deep within.
The Isha Upanishad (and other Upanishads) and the Vedas themselves provide a clear exposition and definition of consciousness (by way of elucidating the nature of Atman and Paramatman). If we have not studied these authoritative texts, our definition of consciousness will likely be a contrived one, based upon our limited ego-perception.
Scientists have developed (and are now developing) a vocabulary to help them in their investigation of Matter. The terminology is useful in their research and in the development of various products and inventions derived from Matter. However, all of these scientific terms shed little light on the nature of Consciousness, which can be grasped more readily by a child, a woman of noble character, or a man on his death bed than by an academic, a philosopher, or an ordinary scientist.
Facts are subject to change but the Truth is always the same. For example, it is a fact that today in Boston the weather is mild. Tomorrow it will be humid. Today I am a middle aged man living in America; a thousand years from now I may be a young woman living in China. Today I am wealthy; tomorrow I may be in financial trouble. The facts are always changing but the truth remains unchanged. The Truth is, “I am Atman (a soul).”
The unchangeable Truth can not be validated by ever changing facts related to Matter. A true scientist (a scientist of Truth) bases his research on direct perception. Unlike an ordinary scientist, a Rishi goes beyond the empirical process to find the answers and solutions to the mysteries of birth, life, and death.
Look within your self and you will find all the answers. The solution is to revolve the mind around the universal wisdom of the Sages. As the mind revolves around the wisdom of the Wise, one’s spiritual growth is quickened; the grip of ego is slackened; and the spirit is freed.
One’s Real Self begins to express, and that expression imprints the mind with good impressions. The good impressions (samskaras) build momentum and eventually all the negative impressions are removed from the mind—they are dissolved. The dissolution of these samskaras brings about the dissolution of one’s tendencies (vasanas), which in turn brings insights to the mind. These insights change our attitudes and thoughts (vrittis) from ignoble to noble. Noble thoughts lead to noble deeds. Eventually it becomes an effortless effort to do what is good and right. This goodness goes on compounding until one is completely liberated from all selfishness, ego, and ignorance. One becomes a Jivamukta.
This is the science of Yoga. All should practice Karma Yoga and do good actions in this world without any thought of receiving recognition or appreciation. Our purpose is to recognize our Real Nature and devote ourselves to the love of the Supreme Self.
Look within your self and you will find all the answers. The solution is to revolve the mind around the universal wisdom of the Sages.