
Ishwarpranidhana: surrendering personal will to the Supreme Self

Ishwarpranidhana means devotion to the deity. It is the love for God exemplified and magnified through wisdom and selfless action. More exactly, Ishwarpranidhana means the dedication of one’s life to God and Guru. It means to make a gift of one’s life, and to give that gift to God.

When we are little children, our parents are our God and Guru, and we are naturally inclined to practically worship them. As we mature, we realize that our parents are people just like ourselves. Similarly, when one studies under the guidance of a Satguru (true Guru, or guru of Truth), one realizes the Guru is a channel of divine wisdom and a direct link to the First Guru, the God Lord of the Universe (the Supreme Being). Figuratively speaking, we can say the ‘Guru is God,’ just like we say the ‘guest is God,’ ‘my husband is my God,’ and ‘my parents are my God.’ Of course, they are not literally God, but they are certainly godlike.

Now, in the case of the Guru or preceptor, the Satguru holds a position closest to God because he (or she) is a clear channel of divine wisdom. The True Guide does not teach for the sake of any ego-gratification. His guidance is the purest expression of niskamkarma (selfless, motiveless, action).

It is God’s Grace that one comes in contact with a Satguru. ‘Coming in contact’ means one is blessed to directly perceive the Guru. This is a gift of God. We receive the gift when we are ready for it (worthy of it), even though we may not realize we are ready (in other words, it may happen by surprise—but it does NOT happen as a result of our expectation).

One who is blessed to receive the guidance of a true Guru will mature in wisdom and devotion. That devotee’s actions will be pure. The mind is completely purified through wisdom, service, and devotion. When the mind is purified, the Truth is realized and one’s life is fulfilled. One experiences the Absolute Fullness which is one’s own Essence.

All great things are accomplished only with intense effort, self-knowledge, and dedication. The greatest of all is the Supreme. To realize the Supreme Truth, the following are absolutely essential: supreme effort (TAPA), supreme knowledge acquired through intense study of the Self (Swadhyaya), and supreme dedication (in the form of Ishwarpranidhana). When these essentials are realized (actualized), we realize our Essence.

