Healing is an attitude of positivity, a promise we make to ourselves to get better. Healing is nursing ourselves back to health. But more than that, healing is caring for our soul, our Higher Nature.
Healing energies are very necessary to alleviate any problem on the physical, mental, or spiritual plane. They are a way to reverse the daily effects of negative forces on our lives. In healing we use the regenerative power within to bring the subtle, vibrant rays of cosmic energy into ourselves.
We need to have a total healing program, not just a program to heal the physical symptoms. When we only heal the body, healing is incomplete. If we are taking medicine but still are not at ease with ourselves, it becomes difficult to nurse ourselves back to health. Going to a doctor or a therapist is an important part of healing. But the most powerful ally in healing is the healing potential inside of us.
When we go to a doctor, he asks us about our physical symptoms and treats them accordingly. We need to treat our subtle symptoms in the same way. The way to do this is to ask ourselves, “What is my attitude? How am I dealing with myself?”
Our attitude and the way we deal with ourselves determine how we will heal. Sometimes we put unnecessary pressure on ourselves by becoming too critical. We blame ourselves and say, “I did it to myself,” or get discouraged and say, “I’m not getting better.” These attitudes block our healing potential and delay healing. We should never allow our mind to become sick by indulging in negative feelings or jumping to negative conclusions.
We should let go of fear, complaints, or anger that arise because of pain we may experience. When we add emotions to our pain, our pain is increased. We should remember that pain comes in everyone’s life, but suffering, caused by our own negative emotions, is optional. If we keep negativity away from our mind and start filling it with positive feelings and a positive dialog, healing will take place.
To heal we have to let go of self-importance. Self-importance spoils our healing energies because it is filled with ego. In an egotistic state we look for appreciation, recognition, and sympathy. We say things like, “Why is this happening to me?” Then there is no room in our mind or time in our life for living in healing energies.
Healing is matter of working on the subtle symptoms that hamper us. We cannot afford to pay attention to our ego or take defeat from negative attitudes or emotions, not even for a minute. We need to rise above these and see how much good work we can do with our own healing energies.
To bring ourselves back to good health, we have to nurture our mental environment, facilitate positive solutions, uplift our attitude, and inwardly relax. In other words, we have to have positive practices.
What are the practices that can awaken our healing potential and help up heal? First, we should never be hard on ourselves because we have some difficulty on the physical level. Rather than becoming discouraged, we can give ourselves the soft touch of compassion and comfort our soul. How? By constantly encouraging ourselves to improve and having utmost confidence in our healing potential. We have to respect ourselves as souls and respect the body as a healing vehicle for this journey of life.
Practicing deep relaxation helps us to heal. We should not feel guilty because we take time to relax. We should give ourselves heart-penetrating, healing vibrations, through meditation and healing music.
Taking time for reflection also helps us heal. When we sit down and read wisdom or keep a diary of inspiring thoughts and insights, we are reinforcing our healing potential.
Another healing practice is to always have a positive mental dialog. We can learn to talk ourselves into a healing attitude, no matter what is going on with the physical body. We should remain peaceful, energetic, and balanced, and always repeat things in the mind like, “I am a beautiful soul. I am healing.” The more we want to heal, the more positive energy we should give ourselves, from the moment we get up in the morning until the end of the day.
Effort, positivity, and good vibrations contribute to healing. By practicing healing techniques–relaxation, exercise, positive dialog, laughter, and healthy eating–we create a total healing environment in ourselves. These practices should never stop, as long as we have breath in the body.
We should never let the light of our soul diminish, because that light is the medium by which we heal. Our goal is to prolong this human incarnation in total well-being. Ill health is a manifestation on the gross level. From the point of view of eternity, it is very temporary.
To heal we have to create a positive, nurturing, healing energy field around us. Through meditation and other positive practices we can learn to use our mental and spiritual energies to connect to that force field.
What does connection to the force field do for us? It empowers us with many, many megatons of healing energy which can quietly remove our physical and mental maladies. It keeps us in touch with our soul, our Higher Nature. Soul consciousness is our real protector against the incidents and impressions of daily existence. It is very positive, yet alert and cautious. It frees us from negative feelings and egotistic responses. It takes us beyond hating ourselves or others. Harboring feelings of hatred or ill-will weaken our healing potential causing tension and stress. When we live in the healing force field, these feelings disappear because we have a firm boundary of positivity and discernment which strengthens us.
By creating a positive aura of friendliness for our Higher Nature, we will not have difficulty in relating to even the most difficult person or situation. This aura of good vibrations and good will helps us heal and creates good will toward ourselves and others.
We should keep the healing force field constantly going, like a generator which creates electricity. Then we can joyously heal and express our healthful attitude through our interactions, service, and everything we do.
What we need to change, we should work on enthusiastically and consistently. We should live in the healing force field all the time, not just when we have a health problem. If we maintain the healing force field through consistent practice, we will remain in touch with our healing potential. When we do that, we become the channel for healing ourselves and others.