Some people think of austerity as the physical ‘mortification of the flesh,’ which means they think of austerity as being the severe denial of physical comfort and pleasure. Such a definition of ‘austerity’ (or TAPA) is a misnomer and can only lead to a misunderstanding of spirituality and spiritual practices (Sadhana).
Though austerity does include physical discipline for the sake of spiritual insight, its deeper meaning is the ‘discipline of mind.’ To discipline the mind it must be restrained; to restrain the mind it must be trained to follow the path of Truth.
The Path of Truth is the Way of Dharma. The Way of Dharma is the natural tendency of the soul to express its Essence. In other words, the Atam-bhavana, or soul-nature, is infused in the mind as a consequence of Creation (the evolution of the union of Purush and Prakriti), and compels a human being to do what is right and noble. Along with the tendency to do what is right and noble, the mind, being the evolute of BOTH spirit and matter (Purush and Prakriti), is also driven by materialistic tendencies which can make a human being feel compelled to do the opposite of what is right (in other words, we can feel inclined to do what is inimical to our essential well-being). To counter this opposing tendency, one must simplify, verify, and rectify one’s lifestyle.
‘Austerity’ is the practice of simplicity. Swadhyaya, or Self-study, is the practice of verification (of one’s real nature). Austerity (Tapas) and verification (Swadhyaya) practiced in conjunction with Ishwarpranidhana, self-surrender, devotion (or in other words, the practice of egolessness), is called Kriya Yoga (which is also called Karma Yoga, or the Yoga of Selfless Action–that which actualizes the union of the living self with the Self, and the Self with the Supreme Self).
We simplify our life when we remove our images, bias, prejudice, preferences, and shallow personality. This practice of simplification is called austerity. The opposite of austerity is to be ostentatious.
Austerity (Tapas) is the practice of spiritual self-discipline. Spiritual self-discipline means the disciplining of the body and mind for the purpose of enlightenment.