

AGNE is that fire of Creation which is constantly emanating from Omniscient Reality. Here RATHIIRADHVARAANAAM means mighty warrior of our eternal journey. We are the warriors riding in this body. We are the killer of our enemies, SAHANTYA, in this battlefield, VIDATHESU. Who are the enemies? Our enemies are not other people. Our enemies are our own ego manifestations and negative tendencies. TVAMASI PRASASYO means worthy of glorification. Only the Cosmic Creative Regenerative Force is worthy of glorification in this battlefield of life.


The human body is the vehicle, the RATHA, which we were given to experience our eternity in this battlefield of life. The cosmic mind within this body creates in us a most powerful fighting force. But in order to use that power, we have to recognize the energies of superconsciousness and bring those energies into our lives. Through the practices of meditation, yoga, recitation of Ved Mantras, and through doing good actions, we actively regenerate cosmic energies within us. Those energies bring us inner peace and happiness. They also enable us to become the mighty warrior who gains control over the enemies of the soul.


The problem is that most people do not recognize the enemy. They think that the enemy is outside of themselves. But the real enemy is ignorance of our Supreme Nature. We manufacture our own stress and mental agitation with negative thinking and ego manifestations.


However, when the mind is free from agitations (such as regretting past mistakes, reacting to other people’s imperfections, or worrying about the future), then we begin to experience higher vibrations. It is when we slow down inside and experience inner peace, that we start to understand that our enemies are in our own mind. In a peaceful state, we become aware of our Supreme Nature, and we detach ourselves from our mental agitations. We become the witness and the doer of good actions. Then we live from the point of view of inner confidence, peace, and joy, and we automatically radiate good energies. When we connect to the fire of superconsciousness inside us, we stop struggling with our mind. We gain TEJA (glow) and positive vibrations.


Thus, it is very important to take time off from our mental activities, not by escaping into entertainment or diversions, but by becoming quiet inside. When we vibrate those cosmic energies, we gain total control over the mind. We need to practice relaxation and energize ourselves through yoga and breathing. We have to objectify our shortcomings and overcome them. We need to develop good habits, such as loving and giving, connecting to our higher consciousness, and exhuberating joy and goodness. These are the yoga practices. Through these practices, our mind stops disturbing us, and we become a channel of fantastic healing power.


If we want to experience a tremendous amount of happiness, we must drop all the nonsense of the running mind, and become warriors of consciousness. We should remain established in the regenerative freshness of cosmic power within us. With the weapon of Cosmic Wisdom, we can overcome the enemies of the soul, and glorify the fire of the Creator in this battle of life.

