
The Greatest Accomplishment

Significant beneficial changes can be brought to the society only when the leaders of the society are wise and noble and apply the same standard of Truth to themselves that they apply to others. Otherwise, those changes are only superficial.

Naturally, before one can apply the standard of Truth one must be familiar with it, and that familiarity comes about by association. This ‘association’ is in the form of one’s conduct.

One’s personal conduct speaks volumes more than one’s accomplishments or philanthropy. This doesn’t mean we should stop striving for personal achievement, or that we should stop making donations to charitable causes.  But along with this we should recognize that the highest gift is the gift of Wisdom which removes the ignorance responsible for pain and suffering. That highest gift is given only by one established in the highest state of Consciousness.

Everyone should strive to reach their highest potential.  Our highest potential is to raise our consciousness (and the consciousness of everyone) to the Supreme.

One’s personal conduct speaks volumes more than one’s accomplishments or philanthropy.
