
The Mad Rush

Everyone is in a mad rush to go somewhere. Some are running to the store to buy something. Some are running to work to earn something to buy something. Some are running to the TV to watch something to forget something. Some are running to the kitchen to eat something to taste something. Everyone who is caught up in the world of Samsara is in a hurry to get somewhere, or get something, or get somebody or someone.

When we are driven by our ego, our mind is restless and we have no peace. Even if we acquire all the wealth in the world, we will never be happy. Even if we make a million friends, we will still be lonely. Even if our praises are sung in all four corners of the Earth, we will still want more attention and recognition.

We need to slow down and start acting our age. We have to stop behaving like little babies. We have to stop depending on things outside of ourselves. We have to stop throwing mental temper tantrums when things don’t go our way. There is no need for us to be anxious about anything. Frustration and anxiety are born out of holding on to our images. When we let go of our images of others, we can give love. When we let go of images of ourselves, we can receive love. When we let go of all our images, we can remain in the state of divine love and manifest the Wisdom of the Absolute.

“Life is filled with challenges, but to lose courage is the greatest crime.” We become discouraged when we lose sight of the Truth. We become blind when we get caught up in our ego. Ego makes us weak. Ego-gratification weakens our mental constitution and we become easily manipulated by our own feelings and emotions. We need to clear our mind (of all images and expectations) and inwardly relax. The super-reflective state of mind leads to a state of total detachment from the world of the selfish. When one is no longer a pawn in the world of Samsara—when one no longer plays the games of personality—one is unmoved by the make-believe dramas of the world.

It’s not a crime to quietly spend your time in inner ecstasy. The one who vibrates inner joy and soul-satisfaction is emitting healing vibrations all around. Though unnoticed, the pure souls, the simple and humble human beings—they are the world’s greatest healers.

When we start paying more attention to our spiritual growth and stop giving so much importance to worldly affairs, then we become whole inside. We no longer feel empty or disappointed. We still need to attend to our worldly duties—but the best way to do this is to keep it simple. We don’t need to complicate our lives with unnecessary expenditures. Keeping and maintaining lots of material junk can be very costly. Trying to please many so-called friends and relatives can be very expensive. We don’t need to expand our circle of acquaintances—we need to expand our consciousness.

We cause ourselves our own mental distress. We put our faith in the false promises of others and feel heart-broken when those promises are broken. But a false promise is bound to be broken, and it’s the nature of confused people to be insincere. Anyone who compromises with his principles is a liar. Anyone who relies on a liar is a fool. We fool ourselves when we listen to the lies of our ego, and in the end we become very confused. This inner insincerity leads to insecurity and feelings of helplessness. To overcome it we need to stop asserting our ego and become humble. Humility is the expression of our inner self. When we are humble we are open to good advice. When we are humble, our ego is silent and we can hear the voice of our soul speaking through our conscience. When we are humble, wise people can help us to understand the nature of reality and our part in it. But if we are arrogant and think we already know everything, then even God Himself cannot help us.
