
Vedic Science Versus Modern Science

The modern scientific methods (the methods devised during the past 5,000 years or so) are severely flawed. In fact, they are backwards. The modern scientific method is to proceed from observable phenomenon to draw conclusions about these phenomena based on the premise that material effects arise solely from material causes.

Modern materialistic science asserts that consciousness somehow evolves from matter. This is as absurd as believing the designer of the Taj Mahal was created after the Taj Mahal miraculously appeared due to the random arrangement of atoms.

A designer always exists before his design. Likewise, the intelligently designed Universe was preceded by the presence of an Intelligent Designer (GOD). Today’s scientists ignorantly think they can find out how the Universe was designed without first knowing Who designed it and WHY. They spend all their time asking how? and refuse to seek to know Who and Why? Because of their materialistic bent of mind, they are caught up in their mental abstractions.

The entire Universe has been abstracted from the primordial matter (Prakriti). PURUSH is Real and always manifest. This world is temporary and is an abstraction of the Unmanifest (Prakriti).

Nothing in this World (universe) can exist without a ‘space’ to exist in. However, neither can this physical space exist without a foundation. Its foundation is the Unmanifest (Prakriti).

The Self, however, does not require a foundation because the Self is self-contained. Atman and Paramatman (Chetana and Mahachetana) are not material (neither gross physical matter nor subtle mental matter) and therefore do not have material or mental characteristics. Hence, they are said to be Nirguna (without qualities). However, they do have spiritual characteristics and are thus said to be Saguna (with qualities).

It is only the mind (which is a subtle material) that frames the Self in material form and struggles to perceive the truth beyond matter. The difficulty ends when we change our perspective from a material one to a spiritual one.

This is a matter of dropping ego. Dropping ego is a matter of spiritual growth. In other words, the elimination of ego constitutes Sadhana (spiritual practice).

Sadhana is work.  Generally, people work hard only when they are guided to do so. When we are blessed to work in the Company of the Wise, our progress is quickened and our enlightenment is on the horizon.


A designer always exists before his design. Likewise, the intelligently designed Universe was preceded by the presence of an Intelligent Designer (GOD).

