Practical Wisdomfrom the teachings ofDr. T.R. Khanna |
The three greatest assets in life are humility, gratitude, and responsibility.
Life is a happy occasion, so we should inspire ourselves and others until the end of our journey.
Sustained self-discipline leads to sustained health and happiness.
Our destiny is dependent upon how well we use time.
Health, happiness, and prosperity are gained by wisdom and good practices.
A disciplined mind is an asset. An undisciplined mind is a liability.
Excitement and boredom are two sides of a counterfeit coin.
Know your strengths and weaknesses. Then concentrate on your strengths and remove your weaknesses.
Neither be impressed nor depressed by others. Just inspire them!
Yesterday’s mistakes should become our lessons for today.
Good determination and perseverance are our best friends.
Rising above our own and other’s egos makes us the winner.
Being ungrateful is the greatest curse. Gratitude is the greatest blessing.
Our negative feelings make us a victim, not a victor.
The best charity is to inspire yourself and others.
True pampering is wisdom, not negative feelings.
When we listen and change for the better, that is an asset.
When the mind is into diversions and distractions, we’ll always run out of time to improve.
Postponing self-improvement robs us of health, happiness, and prosperity.
Self-discipline is like breathing. If we stop it, we will die.
We may forgive each other for our bad habits, but the consequences won’t forgive us.
Be positive and resourceful under all circumstances.
A good working relationship comes from going beyond other people’s shortcomings.
Good attitudes are as important as breathing.
A human being’s real beauty is in their virtue and good behavior.
Stay interested. Stay engaged. Stay active.
Conquering our self-destructive habits is a sign of bravery.
Don’t take life for granted. Respect it and preserve it.
Good words never go to waste. Bad words are always a source of regret.
We have two ears and one mouth, so we should listen twice as much as we speak.
If we don’t utilize time doing good, we are just doing time.
If you want to be treated with respect, then treat others with respect.
There’s no substitute for self-discipline.
Good habits are assets. Bad habits are curses.
Wherever you go, you should leave your mark of goodness.
We are an instrument of goodness in the hands of time.
Make inner peace your constant companion.
Mental laziness creates unhappiness. Physical laziness creates disease.
Being vibrant is our natural state. Being lazy is not.
In life, we will have as many problems as we have excuses.
Our quality of life only improves when we have self-discipline.
It’s a lazy habit to give up on yourself.
True love is devoid of up and down feelings.
An attitude of positivity removes stress. An attitude of negativity creates stress.
Taking creates stress, and giving out creates harmony.
Those who see challenges as hassles are always under stress.
If we put out good energy, we will be happy. If we hesitate, we will have stress.
We will pass through this life but once. Any good we can do, or any kindness we can show our loved ones, we should do it now.
As much wisdom enters our heart, that much inner freedom we will gain.
It’s a painful existence to live without common sense.
People who worry don’t take care of things. People who take care of things don’t have to worry.
The wise always find a way. Fools find excuses.
Our ego is vindictive. Our spirit is not.
Face the day with enthusiasm. If you get up in the morning with lots of energy and stay enthusiastic all day, you will be very happy.
Maturity comes when we start respecting time and life.
Don’t quit on yourself. You could be very close to reaching your highest potential.
Those who unite energies inherit prosperity.
Those who don’t, inherit problems.
They are fortunate who can correct yesterday’s mistakes now.
No one can steal away our positive attitude, our good health or our good principles.
Who is rich? One who leads a life in the fullness and freshness of consciousness.
When a challenge comes, we don’t have to panic or become frantic. We can resolve all issues with positivity and wisdom.
When we dare to change for the better we are prosperous.
By mastering our own nature and behavior we become the victor rather than the victim.
The test of our strength is the weakening of our ego.
We should be the master of our destiny, not a victim of our mentality.
Simple living and high thinking makes a healthy life.
Ego intoxication is worse than the intoxication of alcohol.
If you want to have a healthy life until you die, you have to make today healthy.
When we identify with our soul, we are eternal, but when we identify with our ego, we die daily.
If we don’t embrace cosmic values, we’ll embrace our mental ups and downs.
Live in your Spirit Self, and never fool around with the gross mind.
All the blessings which are given to us are lost when we take them for granted.
Become an ocean of positive vibrations by giving up your small self.
If we give up our small self ego, we’ll be fluid like water, free like the wind and warm like the sunshine.
We are destitute when we don’t bring out inner joy in our daily life.
When we stop pursuing images and expectations, peace descends upon us.
A creative mind is always finding ways to improve the situation. A mind filled with excuses ends up with nothing.
Always keep your ego in check. Otherwise, even if you’re successful, you’re sunk.
Keep vibrating, and keep moving forward, regardless of daily challenges.
To work happily with others, be open-minded and forgiving.
When we are full inside, we don’t look for fulfillment from someone else. We can only be an instrument of inspiration, encouragement, service and goodness.
When we are inspired and inspiring to others, we can only go up and up. Nobody can pull us down.
Greatness is earned. There is no shortcut to it.
An uninspired mind is a gun loaded with ignorance, which can kill us.
Every good thought will come back to uplift you. Every negative thought will come back to haunt you.
When we are in gratitude, we are not preoccupied with ourselves.
Be a giver of good energy, not a beggar of good energy.
Listening is a social skill. We should always graciously listen.
Celebrate the wisdom of life. It’s a joyous occasion.
When the mind is in Spirit Self, there is no hatred, no pain, and no jealousy.
The best investment you can make is to make your mind a sage.
By virtue of our practices, we are the master of our destiny or the victim of our destiny.
Move the mind to wisdom and move the body to hard work. That is success.
An attitude of inspiration and self-motivation will lead us to a heavenly state.
We are the controller of our destiny when we control what goes on in-between our ears.
Peace, strength and common sense come from within.
Motivation is the first step to success. Delivery is the second.
Lethargy is the father of bad qualities.
Negative thinking habits are a hindrance to our happiness.
Make every moment count, and make every moment a blessing.
Love flourishes in excellence, not in mediocrity.
A wise person may change his decision, but he never compromises his principles.
Be positive! Anxiety destroys the joy of daily living.
God sells happiness. The price is our effort.
We should live our life with wisdom and common sense or we’ll end up living with regrets.
Life becomes heavenly when we embrace its challenges.
Birth and death are in God’s hands. Life and health are in ours.
Be compassionate to others and be firm with yourself.
We inherit wisdom when we practice it.
When you’re counting your wrinkles, you’re not counting your blessings.
To be happy, vacate the mind of ego feelings.We become a source of inspiration and light to others when we live in our Spirit Self.Be gracious all the time. Practice balance, compassion and forgiveness all the time, under all circumstances.
No love is perfect without compassion and dispassion simultaneously.
The mind is the controller of your destiny. If you control your mind, you control your destiny.
It’s beneficial to live a life of consciousness, a life of egolessness and a life of humility.
Our demeanor should be soft and fragrant like flowers.
When we are grateful, every moment becomes a blessing.
Compassion is to be consistently kind without seeking reward.
Health, happiness, and prosperity are only granted to those who work hard.
Good effort, earnestness, and sincerity will never fail us. Our ego will always fail us.
Never follow the vagaries of your mind. Guide your mind to inspiration and wisdom.
Every day is a celebration if we are inspired and live creatively.
Go for the gold instead of going for the gild.
Kindle the light in you and lighten the burden of others.
Positivity feeds on itself. So does negativity.
Happiness is already inside of you. When you chase happiness, it eludes you.
Gratitude is compassion put into action.
If we are humble, we can learn from everybody. If we are not, we can’t even learn from our own mistakes.
The secret of happiness is to give up our personal ego feelings.
An act of kindness never goes to waste, but meanness always comes back to haunt us.
We are the winner when we turn inspiration and positive thoughts into action.
Self-improvement is a necessity. It’s like breathing.
Every moment can be the greatest teacher if we keep our inner eye open.
When we achieve mastery over our own habits, we become the master of our destiny.
The greatest therapy for our life is to go up against our own lethargy.
The greatest humility is found in the ones who do the smallest things with great joy.
We’ll experience the joy of life when we make every moment a positive moment.
Grateful people spend every moment of their day in inspiration.
When we embrace the challenges of life, life will become a blessing. When we avoid the challenges, life will become a nightmare.
On the journey of life, compassion and forgiveness are two steps we must take every day.
This world is a reflection of our thoughts, actions, and vibrations.
Success is living moment-by-moment with creativity and resourcefulness.
Excuses are deficit financing.
Self-improvement is as necessary as breathing.
Happiness is an inside job.
When we are busy inspiring ourselves and others, we have no time for negativity.
Applying wisdom and inspiration to life brings us grace.
Joy of life comes from making every moment a positive one.
We should live with compassion and forgiveness, not with regrets.
Maturity doesn’t mean being perfect. It means growing wiser daily.
Quality of life comes from being deep, creative, and sincere.
When you’re in harmony with yourself, you’ll be in harmony with even the most difficult people.
Life is going to throw curve balls at you. Respond to them, rather than react.
The secret of inner happiness is to give up all ego expectations.
To live creatively is to live every moment with an open heart and an open mind.
We should consider challenges and interruptions as blessings. They make us creative.
Great people do not burn their brains over the imperfections of others. They only keep inspiring.
Unhappiness is rooted in the likes and dislikes of the mind.
To function well in life, live skillfully with inspiration and positivity.
Spirit Self is always in motion of energy. It is not complacent. Spirit Self is not lazy. It is creative and progressive. Spirit Self is compassionate and forgiving.
We should always respond with compassion and patience, not with self-righteousness.
Presence of mind is the first pre-requisite to be successful in life.
If we want to live with other people in harmony, we’d better harmonize ourselves.
When we inspire ourselves and others, we gain health and prosperity.
If you want to be enlightened, give up your self-involvement.
The one who puts out the most receives the most.
Inspiration and finding solutions are the ways of the wise.Success is living every moment in compassion and forgiveness.
We are all students of life and teachers of life.
When we are hit by challenges, we should accept them with inspiration.
The state of compassion and forgiveness comes from the Spirit Self. Ego self is judgmental.
Self-involvement is not self-improvement.
Always remain calm and deep, and learn from the good and bad of others.
If you have control over your ego, you can respond to any person in any situation.
Use kind words and do good actions in abundance daily.
If you want to earn the respect and blessings of others, be kind, forgiving, and egoless.
The secret of happiness is to keep moving and put out good energy until the last breath of our lives.
Intensity is the hallmark of an inspired person.
Treat every moment as a sacred moment. Then you’ll have a life of inspiration.
Good effort is the mother of health, happiness, and prosperity.
For long-term gains, give up short-term thrills.
Our whims don’t have brains. We shouldn’t follow them.
Time is our friend when we are diligent and hard working.
Be reflective, not reactive.
When we go into a situation expecting a lot and giving very little, we end up with nothing.
Life is a series of lessons. If we vacate our mind of self-involvement, we’ll learn fast.
Our lives are full by virtue of our good practices, not by our selfish interests.
Ego and joy cannot co-exist in the same heart.
Remain alert, steadfast, and focused to avoid misfortune.
Greatness is giving and accepting advice with gratitude.
When we are busy inspiring, we have no time to find faults in others.
Do good for the sake of goodness, not for appreciation.
Ego can give us temporary pleasure, but not security.
It doesn’t make much difference what you say. It makes a great difference what you deliver.
It requires humility to gain inner strength.
Don’t turn your concern into worry. Turn your concern into good action.
If you want to be happy, inspire yourself and others. Never baby-sit your up and down feelings.
Learn to live with yourself happily—you could live to be 100!
If you’re firm with yourself and kind to others, life will be good to you.
Peace is very dynamic. Do not equate it with mental laziness.
Doing good is a matter of survival.
The moment we avoid putting out good energy, we are automatically unhappy.
When we train ourselves to be always earnest, accommodating, and positive, we’re going to win under any circumstances.
Make every moment a golden moment by being earnest and kind.
When we have a positive attitude, we have no shortage of happiness.
The state of enlightenment is the byproduct of letting go of your ego every moment.
The first step in healing is to make peace with yourself.
Happiness created by pleasure is short-lived, so generate inner happiness to create harmony.
Don’t concentrate on your faults. Concentrate on your potential.
Start the day with inspiration. Stay all day in good vibrations. End the day with gratitude.
Listening with compassion is an asset. Responding with compassion is a victory.
When we look for immediate gratification, we cannot be stable and happy.
Positivity and openheartedness create a mindset of health and happiness in us and around us.
Every situation brings us a challenge. If we face it with courage and hard work, it becomes a blessing.
Changing our lives for the better brings us the greatest dividends.
No matter how busy we are, we must be kind in our responses.
The most effective anti-aging drug is a positive outlook.
Contentment is having a peaceful attitude with a positive outlook and a great desire to do good.
When our practices are good and our outlook is positive, we are an inspiration to ourselves and others.
Never lose confidence in your potential to change for the better.
Even-mindedness comes from deep perception. It doesn’t come from up and down feelings.
Inspiration and wisdom are the glues that hold our life together.
Glorify your human birth by having good thoughts and good practices.
With a humble and compassionate heart, we create unity and prosperity.
When we inspire ourselves daily, we make our mind a fortress of stability and wisdom.
To embrace challenges with a positive attitude is heaven.
The wise always choose the path of inner joy, not the path of temporary pleasure.
True happiness escapes the one who pursues his or her images.
The greatest love is to be the best example for others.
Worry is useless. Good actions are priceless.
To be happy, grateful, and free, remove yourself from your selfish motives.
People can give you pleasure, but not happiness. Happiness is an inside job.
To make a win-win situation we must respond positively, even when others are negative.
To be happy and successful in life, apply wisdom, not images.
Where there is unconditional love, there is no dearth. Where there is selfish love, there is nothing.
Arrogance backfires. Humility gains good repute.
An attitude of gratitude will lead us to a heavenly state.
If we are resourceful, we can always find something good to do.
Where there is true love, there is no inconvenience.
A merry heart comes from a deep understanding of the wisdom of life.
Your situation improves when you improve yourself.
We should use any setbacks we have to inspire ourselves to do better.
When you are inspired, you are never tired.
Yesterday is gone. Tomorrow is too far away. Today is a new day, and we should make it the best!
The days we laugh are the days that make us wise.
The essence of life is not in the satisfaction of physical desires. The essence of life lies in giving food for the soul, so that we can unfold a tremendous surge of creative energy.
If we generate happiness and wisdom, our life will never be a burden.
We should remain simple like a child, deep like a sage, and calm like a lake.
We should take good qualities from everybody and make them a part of our life. Then we will become a reservoir of good qualities.
Leave no choices for your mind except inspiration, positivity, and happiness.
If we have a good attitude, we will improve at any age.
Simple living and high thinking lead us to a heavenly state.
You are already the Light of the Soul. Nobody can make you any more or any less than that!
Who is really courageous? The one who faces the challenges of life as a joyous, happy soul.
Constructive criticism is an act of charity.
As the ocean does not lose its depth, we should not lose our depth, though mental waves come and go.
One who has no desire cannot be manipulated.
Despair only comes when we are attached to what is going on between our ears.
Determination without understanding is just personal will.
Our quality of life is determined by our good practices and living in the beatitude of soul consciousness, which is universal.
When we live in the abundant energy of soul consciousness we are always positive, regardless of other people’s negativity.
Extraordinary people take any situation and turn it into a learning experience.
We are always happy. It is only when we add gross ego to our lives that we start feeling pain and pleasure.
High souls have only their Absolute nature on their mind. They don’t clutter their mind with the gross, though they go through the gross and take care of it.
Everything that happens is a learning experience for high souls.
Tuning into the Cosmic vibration brings joy, healing and well-being in our lives.
Wisdom works best with compassion and love.
We should listen intently to the voice of wisdom but turn a deaf ear to the voice of ego.
To be happy, count your blessings, not your complaints.
Prevent annoyance to avoid becoming bitter.
Self-discipline is real happiness.
The best entertainment for the mind is to inspire ourselves and others.
Love is all that matters. Who said what to whom does not matter.
Encouragement can create a harmonious environment.
Make it a habit to inspire yourself and others. Then see the miracles happen.
Pride is a hurdle. Humility is an asset.
Universal truth cannot fit into personal images.
Our perception is clouded by our self-will; it is sharpened by our good practices.
Our self-improvement is dependent on our intensity of good practices every day.
Sanitize your mind and be fuss-free.
Self-abuse leads to abuse by others.
Self-image distorts perception.
The quality of our life is dependent on the quality of our practices.
To be happy, confront your own negative images and habit channels.
Break down the walls of your own negative ego habit channels to be happy.
True learning begins when we do not repeat our own mistakes over and over again.
There’s no such thing as failure, unless we fail to learn.
Don’t play the game of helplessness and hopelessness. Just help.
When we are fussy, we are on a fault-finding mission.
If you give hesitantly you will be miserable.
Worriers cannot take care of things. Those who take care of things right then and there, have no time to worry. They are busy taking care of their situations and taking care of others.
Worriers worry and doers do.
All material copyrighted by Aditya Dham and Dr. T. R. Khanna