
Beyond Ego

Metaphysically speaking, ego is formed by the union of Purush (Spirit) and Prakriti (Matter). Physically speaking, ego is formed at birth.

Ego is a natural phenomenon. Everyone has ego. It is natural for consciousness to become identified with the body (and its relations) at birth. As the living self (embodied soul) passes from infancy, to childhood, to young adulthood, adulthood, middle age, and old age, our personality (expression of ego) undergoes many changes. All of this is part of the drama of existence, the Play or Sport of Life.

Rising above our ego is a challenge but not a problem. Our life becomes problematic only when we see challenges as hassles. This false perception (seeing challenges as hassles) is itself an expression of ego, and hence, is a challenge in itself. The false perception is born out of ignorance and is removed with wisdom.

“Rising above our ego” means “changing for the better.” It is better for everyone, including ourselves, when we are unselfish and giving. People who are “takers,” who are self-involved and selfish, are miserable and miserly. If we are stingy with our good energy we are bound to be unhappy.

We are the Spirit-self, the Energy-self, so we should be energetic because that’s our natural way to be. In other words, it is our true nature to be unselfish, and holding on to our small-self ego is unnatural.

Soul is positive. To be ourselves we have to be positive. We are the Shining Light! There may be darkness all around, but where there is light there is light only. When all of us pull together, that Light removes the surrounding darkness. When we are united with the Supreme Soul, we see that Light everywhere.

