
The following are articles from the Light of Wisdom that have appeared previously in this section.
Work We Must

(the Why, How, and What For) In this world, everyone works—everyone  performs actions.  Society cannot function or exist without work.  Without the concerted, coordinated efforts of everyone the

Getting a Handle

On Resentment From time to time, everyone has probably felt resentment towards somebody, or something. But did we ever stop to think about what resentment really is? Why should we avoid it? What makes

Getting Old

Everyone is being pursued by Death. Death approaches us in the form of old age. We say: "I am getting old, I don't feel like my old self anymore." Instead of lamenting like this, we should look at the

Rising Above Anger

One of the most difficult habits to control is anger. Anger can come out of negative or egotistic reactions such as hatred, revenge, annoyance, or grudges. Sometimes, we can use anger in the positive

Why Are We Dissatisfied?

Human beings are dissatisfied because they have been seeking fulfillment in things which are temporary. Fulfillment is an inner quality of the soul, but it is lost when we bury the soul beneath our me

Virtuous Speech

a story (lesson) drawn from the teachings of Dr. TRK One day a wise and noble teacher was explaining the importance of virtuous speech. He said to his students: "Those who have mastery over their spe

Let Consciousness Shine in Good Actions

Performing action is for the sake of doing good, not for the sake of ego satisfaction. When we do things for the satisfaction of our ego, our performance is filled with expectations. When we create ex

We Don't Have to Suffer Anymore

The only time we suffer is when we don't listen to our Higher Nature. The only time we are peaceful is when we are true to our soul, when we are real to the core. Whenever we are phoney we are insecur

How to Live in the World and Remain Sane

To live in this world and remain sane, it is necessary to have a broad outlook. We need to see the whole picture, otherwise we will become victims of narrow-mindedness. Our shortsightedness will make


Every thing that is built needs a foundation. Houses, factories, buildings, skyscrapers, roads, highways, and even humans! When we are born, it is like we are just starting to dig into the soil where

Living in the Here and Now

We have all heard the phrase "Be Here Now." But what is the secret to living in the here and now? How can we practice this popular phrase in our daily life and not just follow the mind as it flips fro

The Cosmic Connection

OM TVAM ASI PRASHASYO VIDAATESHU SAHANTYA. AGNE RATHIRADVARAANAAM. AGNE is that fire of Creation which is constantly emanating from Omniscient Reality. Here RATHIIRADHVARAANAAM means mighty warrior o

Our Healing Potential

Healing is an attitude of positivity, a promise we make to ourselves to get better. Healing is nursing ourselves back to health. But more than that, healing is caring for our soul, our Higher Nature.

How To Praise God

Elucidation of Mantra 9, Hymn 10, Mandala 1 of the Rg Veda, the Oldest Book in the World How does one praise God? We praise God by raising our consciousness and the consciousness of all who come in

The Mad Rush

Everyone is in a mad rush to go somewhere. Some are running to the store to buy something. Some are running to work to earn something to buy something. Some are running to the TV to watch something to

Uncommon Common Sense

Absence of inspiration is negativity.   Keep moving forward with happiness. Don't carry pain on your face or in your life.   Self-reliance is one of the best qualities to

Facing Life's Challenges

Life itself is a series of challenges, whether large or small. How do we habitually respond to daily life? Do we easily panic and become frantic, or do we stay positive and energetic? Do we make small

The Process of Enlightenment

When the darkness of ignorance is removed by the light of wisdom, the mind is enlightened. So long as the mind is not in conformity with the true nature of the Self, the mind cannot reflect the light

Fashion Your Fate In Eternity

We are the masters of our own destiny.  We are the makers of our own fate.  When we fully realize this truth, we will no longer search for the truth outside of ourselves.  When we realize that w

What Is True Freedom?

Throughout most history, freedom has been attained only by the united and resolute efforts of many people to gain the common good of all.  Freedom comes from self-discipline, inspired by a deep sens