� Notice: All articles are copyrighted. Why?
This material is copyrighted. . . .All articles published on the Website are protected by International copyright laws. This means that no one can reprint, publish, sell, or disseminate this information in any manner or form without the prior written consent of Aditya Dham. [see noted exceptions below] This is necessary to preserve the validity and sanctity of these teachings. History stands as proof of the need for this safeguard. Throughout history we have seen many instances where good works have been misused for bad purposes; where the sayings of Saints and Sages have been taken out of context and used for self-justification or to lend support to illogical arguments. There are numerous interpolations in the Manusmriti, the Ramayana, the Bible, the Koran, the Dhamapada, and numerous other books from various religious and philosophical traditions. Exceptions:Anything and everything from this website may be freely printed and copied for one's own personal use or for the propagation of Vedic culture. The purpose of the copyright exclusion is only to prevent persons from willfully misusing this information for their own special interests. Ultimately, everyone must answer to their own conscience.